Animals at the Zoo
by Rolando Merino
Say the name of each animal you read about in this story.
Can you imitate the sound each animal makes?
This is an elephant. An elephant is a big animal and has a long nose called a trunk. It makes a TRUMPET sound.
This is a lion. The lion is the king of the jungle and goes ROAR!
This is a monkey. Monkeys spend a lot of time up in trees and like to eat fruits. This one has a banana. They go EEE... EEE... EEE...
This is a kangaroo from Australia. Kangaroos bounce and bounce anywhere they want to go. BOING... BOING... BOING...
This is a giraffe. Giraffes have very long necks to reach the leaves high on a tree. They are very tall and quiet animals.
This is a tiger. Tigers are big cats that hunt in the jungle. They go GRRRRRR...
This is an alligator. Alligators have a lot of teeth and spend most of their time in the water. They rumble RRRRRRR!
This is a flamingo. A flamingo is a big pink bird. Flamingos are very noisy and go SQUAWK, SQUAWK!
This is a rhino. A rhino is a big animal and has a horn on its head. Rhinos go SNORT, SNORT.
The End