Learning Target: I can use models to interpret the meaning of decimal numbers in tenths and hundredths.

Model Decimals of Tenths and Hundredths




Decimal numbers can also be expressed as fractions using the denominators of 10 or 100.

Here are some models.

Model of One Whole

One whole is shaded.

  1 whole





 One whole can be called 

(because 10 out of 10 columns are shaded).

One whole is  

(because all 100 small boxes are shaded).

Model One Tenth

One tenth is shaded.

  1/10 of a whole

  one tenth








Model One Hundredth

One hundredth is shaded.

  1/100 of a whole

  one hundredth






Let's Practice Together

Use the models to write decimals and fractions.

1.  Tell how many tenths are shaded (columns): ______

Write the tenths shaded as a fraction:

Write the tenths shaded as a decimal:





2.  Tell how many tenths are shaded (columns): ______

Write the tenths shaded as a fraction:

Write the tenths shaded as a decimal:






3. Tell how many hundredths are shaded (individual boxes): ______

Write the hundredths shaded as a fraction:

Write the hundredths shaded as a decimal:







Your Turn

Copy each grid below to answer the following questions. 

4.  Color in the squares to show each fraction.  Then write each fraction as a decimal.








5.  Color in the squares to show each fraction.  Then write each fraction as a decimal.










6.  Color in the squares to show each fraction.  Then write each fraction as a decimal.






7.  Color in the squares to show each fraction.  Then write each fraction as a decimal.


Check for Understanding

1.  Tell how many tenths are shaded (columns): ______

How many hundredths are shaded (individual boxes): _______

Write the fraction shaded with a denominator of 10:

Write the fraction shaded with a denominator of 100:

Write the decimal shaded:



1.  6;  6/10;  0.6

2.  2;  2/10;  0.2

3.  97;  97/100;  0.97

4.  0.9

5.  0.08

6.  0.4

7.  0.4

Check for Understanding

1.  2;  20;  2/1020/100;  0.2