Learning Target: I can write decimal numbers and identify their place values.

Write Decimal Numbers





The value of digits to the right of a decimal point is less than one.

Example 1


Standard form: 0.125

Word form: one hundred twenty-five thousandths

Short word form: 125 thousandths







The value of digits to the left of a decimal point is equal to more than one.

Example 2


Standard form:  4.135

Word form:  four and one hundred thirty-five thousandths

 Note: The decimal point is read as "and"






Moving left, each digit is 10 times as large as the digit next to it on the right.

Example 3

The number 33

In the number above, 3 tens (the digit on the left) have 10 times the value of 3 ones (the digit next to it on the right).

Moving right, each digit is  1/10  the value of the digit next to it on the left.

Example 4

The number 5.5

The 5 in the tenths place (the digit on the right) is 1/10 the value of the 5 in the ones place next to it on the left.

Let's Practice Together

Write each in standard form.


1.   five tenths



2.   four and sixteen thousandths



3.   eleven and seven tenths



Your Turn

4.   twenty-five thousandths



5.   nine hundredths


6.   six and eight tenths



7.   twenty-five and nineteen hundredths



8.   seventy-three and four thousandths





Write the value of the underlined digit in words.


9.   6.7




10.   8.991




11.   72.35




12.   89.52




13.   100.002

Check for Understanding

1.  Match the standard form with the word form.

0.342                  thirty-four and two hundredths


34.02                  sixty-two and one hundredth


62.01                  three hundred forty-two thousandths


0.162                  one hundred sixty-two thousandths












1.  0.5

2.  4.016

3.  11.7

4.  0.025

5.  0.09

6.  6.8

7.  25.19

8.  73.004

9.  seven tenths

10.  nine hundredths

11.  seven tens

12.  five tenths

13.  two thousandths

Check for Understanding


0.342: three hundred forty-two thousandths
34.02: thirty-four and two hundredths
62.01: sixty-two and one hundredth
0.162: one hundred sixty-two thousandths