Learning Target: I can estimate the mass of an object using grams and kilograms.

Measure Mass in Metric Units




Manuel and his family are having a picnic at the beach. The picnic basket's mass is 5 kilograms. One of Manuel's grapes is about 1 gram.




Gram (g) and kilogram (kg) are metric units used when measuring the mass, or the amount of matter, in an object.

1 kilogram = 1,000 grams









Let's Practice Together

Choose the unit you would use to measure the mass of each: g or kg.

1. a pen






2.  a couch






3.  an orange






Your Turn 


4.  7 kg = _______ g






5.  30 kg = _________ g






6.   3,000 g = _________ kg






Check for Understanding

Compare. Use >, <, or =.

1.  100 kg ______ 10 g






2.  2,000 g ______ 5 kg






3.  4,000 g  ______ 4 kg








1.  g

2.  kg

3.  g

4.  7,000

5.  30,000

6.  3

Check for Understanding

1.  >

2.  <

3.  =